Craig's Cabin Community Volunteers (CCCV)


Registered Charitable organisation : 1205510

Promoting Positive Wellbeing Through Outdoor Activities.

We provide a peer support service through activities that involve getting outside such as gardening, wellbeing walks, nature walks, litter picking, and other activities. we do this by using our lived experience of various situations, difficulties and issues. we provide a non judgemental and no pressure approach and are completely reliant on donations and fundraising to provide sessions and training. All lead volunteers are Enhanced DBS checked and we have qualified first aid trained volunteers too. 

All our lead volunteers do this in their free time and because of this we do not expect them or any other beneficiaries to feel obligated to attend sessions, if they are unable due to work commitments, childcare, poor health, anxiety etc that's ok all we ask is honesty within the group.  we attempt to welcome anyone wishing to participate and do not exclude due to Gender, Religion, Race, Sexuality, or disability.

Everyone involved has gotten some benefit out of our sessions whether it has been an improvement in their physical health, better understanding of the their mental wellbeing or just building a safe and supportive group who welcomes them as friends and listens when they need it.

Our Mission

We want to provide a free service where people can come and do some good in the community through outdoor projects and to help their own wellbeing in the process.

we would like to be able to provide an alternative type of therapy that you can only get from lived experience, a peer support network that even GP's and other healthcare professional can "social prescribe" their patients to in conjunction with other therapies.

We hope to continue this service and even expand giving training to team leaders of how we do things and our ethos so that CCCV can help more than just our local community.

How you can help?


We are a completely not for profit organisation, and rely solely on donations and fundraising, which we use to buy tools, materials, equipment and training so we can effectively run these sessions without charging. 


By participation in activities in the community , with open days, fayres, litter picks and community gardening people can get involved in their local area.


Come along to our sessions or find us at events, talk to us find out what we are all about, follow our social media to keep up to date with all the goings on.

Did you know?

That spending 120mins outside in nature per week, can significantly boost mental health and well-being. And walking helps by getting essential gentle exercise for good physical health.


We have been recognised


* We were a finalist in the 2023 BBC Radio Sussex an Radio Surrey  making a difference awards. 

* We were shortlisted for the Unlock Net Zero Power list 

* we are extremely pleased to announce we have been successful in winning the award for: SERVICE EXCELLENCE – EAST SUSSEX in the London and south east england prestige awards



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Contact us

Via our social media pages or via email


East Sussex, United Kingdom


!! Help us make a Difference  #CCCV  !!

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Registered Charitable Organisation : 1205510

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